Paul M Tulkens
Emeritus and Invited Professor Universite Catholique de Lovain
Prof. Paul M. Tulkens, MD, PhD serves as Academic Advisor at Achaogen, Inc. He served as Advisor and Consultant of SelectX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He started his scientific career as a cell biologist and biochemist working in the laboratory of Prof. C. de Duve, Nobel Laureate, where he made significant contributions to understanding of membrane movements during endocytosis, including receptor recycling, and in the development of models of acquired lysosomal storage disorders. He then moved to the study of the cellular and renal toxicity of aminoglycoside antibiotics, the mechanism of which he greatly contributed to decipher and for which he pioneered in reducing the clinical impact by promoting the now widely used once-daily dosing approach. From then on, he expanded his studies on antibiotics (macrolides, fluroquinolones) and intracellular infections (mainly S. aureus but more recently also P. aeruginosa). He also developed the science of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics for optimising the use of antibiotics. He was amongst the founding members and was President of the International Society of Antiinfective Pharmacology. He is a Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universite Catholique de Louvain. Until 2010, he was full professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development at the French speaking Catholic University of Louvain (Brussels, Belgium) and professor of Human Biochemistry and Biochemical Pathology at the University of Mons (Mons, Belgium). He is an invited and emeritus professor of medicine and pharmacy departments at Universite catholique de Lovain, Belgium. He has published more than 230 scientific papers and continues, with his laboratory, to develop basic and applied approaches to the study of antibiotics and bacterial infections. He serves as a Member of Clinical Advisory Board of Kenta Biotech Ltd. Dr. Tulkens studied at Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
Research Interest
Pathophysiology of lysosomes, Antibiotic toxicity, Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, Bacterial Persistence, Biofilms, Intracellular Infections